Around the world in 44 days (ok only the U.S.A)

Monday, June 19, 2006

June 16, 2006 6:24 PM

So we all got up around seven and we were off by eight. We were on the road for only a short hour and our first stop in California to visit some lava beds passed by. The lava beds(in case you don’t know what I’m talking about) are pretty much these endless caves underground in the middle on nowhere in California. So the first cave we went into we had to climb down this ity bity little ladder like 15 feet down into this pit with absolutely no light at all. Ya that was was so scary and then as soon as we climbed back out we read this sign that stated "This is the home of the big eared bat..." that’s all it took to get us running from that Anyway, as we’re leaving we thought hey lets stop by the Visitors there’s a thought...MOM and DAD...hehehe. So we get information on this beautiful cave that is full of light and PAVED(did I not mention before not only did we have no light but we also had to walk on uneven rocky ground.) It was fun except for the fact that it had some low ceilings...and Grady must have forgot to read the sign so on the way in he hit his then the whole time he was like "guys watch your head, watch your head." I love was actually a ton of fun and I realized that this trip is going to make me love and appreciate my family more then ever. So then we were back on the road. Our next stop was Reno, Nevada...that was before we had to stop for gas twice, had a half hour delay due to a motorcycle accident, and OUR FIRST FLAT TIRE!!! Ya that’s right we got our first was so much fun. Pulling off the road in the middle of nowhere and only 17 miles away from Reno. Sami I picked you up a rock from the side of the So we’re here in Reno now visiting family so I better get ya all talk to ya later
Love ya lots
Allie Joy


At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're pretty brave to go in those caves!

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! Even though those bats are scary!

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was such fun having you and your family with us!! You and your brothers and sisters are so lucky to have parents that are so positive and willing to spend their time and money to give you the opportunities of seeing and doing things the majority of children your age never get to do or see. Don't waste any of the time you have together!!!!! Enjoy!! Don't miss one opportunity of sharing the little things as well as the big things!! Smell every rose and enjoy each ant at work. Pick up rocks and learn about the areas you are visiting. Know where you are at all times. "What State are we in now?" "Tell me when we cross into a new state.!!!" Get a US Map and a Yellow marker pen and mark where you have been and as you are going!! Each state has it's own beauty - find out what it is.

You are a special family - because of the special parents you have!!

Our Best Wishes ot you all as you go along your way for the rest of your 44 days. Like I said before don't waste a minute of your wonderful time together sharing and exploring this wonderful country of our's!!

Thanks for coming into our lives and the time you shared with us!!

Mary and Jay Wilson
Paducah Kentucky KOA


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