Around the world in 44 days (ok only the U.S.A)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 6, 2006 9:15 PM

So right now I am so stressed out over pretty much nothing...but it’s something to me. I can’t and won’t get the internet for days so no pics and stories for awhile...SORRY!!! We have to get up early tomorrow to go see nothing exciting and something that I have already seen and the rest of them will get to see on their 8th grade trip. It’s the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall and stuff. I am really starting to not have that great of a time...I WANT TO GO HOME!!! I miss everybody and everything back at home. The next few days are going to be stressful too because we are going to be in New know how busy it is there. Anyway, so today we went and saw Amish people and villages. We also took a tour. We all had a great time and thought it was very interesting. We bought a very cute little quilt and a few other things...very cool!!! We also ate freshly made pretzels and drank home made root beer. Very tasty and we all enjoyed it! Then we headed off to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...close to where we are right now. We are actually staying in New Jersey. Philadelphia is absolutely crazy. The streets are three inches wide and have the sidewalks FILLED with people. I think that is mainly why I don’t want to go back there tomorrow. It is so busy...I honestly hate it. Living here would give me an ulcer!!! Just driving here has I think made me start to get WOW I think that I am way to stressed out. We are half way over with this trip...22 days to go. I REALLY WANT TO COME HOME THOUGH!!! Again I am really sorry about being so behind...I am trying so hard to catch up on everything. I just have so much going on these last few days all the way until we get to Maine...which I am excited about. When we get there we will have time to rest and enjoy God’s creation around us. Well I better get some sleep for that early wake up tomorrow.

Love ya lots
Allie Joy


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helllloooo from back Hoooooome Smiths! Allie, you are awesome girl!! The pics, the updates. I told Rick about "Pop"...uh we're lulu? uhhh, no, it is definetly everyone else! "Smith" is the epitome of American - spelled different, (pronounced, not even close)but meaning-synonymous! It just doesn't get much more "American" than that. Love & Hugs from Home!

At 5:29 PM, Blogger rob said...

I'm tracking with you all. Seriously, you're not missing anything in Albany. Oh, except lot's of people are bailing hay right now because they cut all the tall grass down. Maybe I'll blog a picture of that for you.

Allie, I've added your blog link to Just so you know.


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