August 4, 2006 3:51 PM
So I have been nagged about getting this blog finished and all wrapped here it is...I'M HOME!!!
Ok, so that’s not all I want to say. I had such an awesome time with literally everything!!! It’s funny how if you are stuck with people in a van for six week they become your best friends. No matter how much you fought or disliked each other before. You learn to get along with each other and laugh with each other. You learn new things about them and yourself that you never knew before. Before this trip I was having some own struggles of my own, and not just with some things. It honestly felt like my life was absolutely falling apart. Being that I am 16 I thought the whole world was against me just like every other teenage girl. So the idea of traveling 12,000 miles across the country did not sound like fun at all. Throughout the months before this trip we fought what seemed like constantly. To at the least the point that we drove both of my parents crazy and we never wanted to be around each other. I have my license so when ever I could I got out of my house. Every time I was home I just thought “How are we going to spend six week together without killing each other or drive our parents to insanity?” Somehow we survived through God’s will!!! Hehehe...anyway, so now I am just home enjoy all the simple little pleasures like sleeping in a real bed, cooking in a real kitchen. All the little things you take for granted day by day while we were gone. Well I hope to see you around later.
Love ya lots...for the last time
Allie Joy
How 'bout some post trip updates? Got any further memories now that you're home in your own bed?
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